
There is lots of things inside of a cigarete and all of them are lethel and are able to kill. Cigaretes contains 50% Tobacco and the rest is made up of Cadmium (Batteries), Butane (Lighter Fluid), Acetic Acid (Vineger), Methane (Sewer Gas), Arsenic (Poison), Carbon Monoxide (Car Exhaust), Methanol (Rocket Fuel), Paint, Ammonia (Toilet Cleaner), Nicotine (Insecticides), Toluene (Industrial Solvent), Hexamine (Barbeque Lighter) and Stearic Acid (Candle Wax). Why would you want to put one of these death sticks in your mouth when contains items that you see everyday. 2 of the most known things found in a cigarette is Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide and this website is going to tell you how it effects your body.

Nicotine changes how your brain and your body function. Nicotine can both invigorate and relax a smoker, depending on how much and how often they smoke. Although the actions of nicotine and Methenal in the body are quite different. Your first drag of a cigarete may loosen your inhibitions and fire you up, but after several Puffs of a cigaerette, you're usually pretty out of touch with reality.

Carbon Monoxide:

Carbon Monoxide is colourless, odourless and tasteless so people who are exposed to it have no idea that they are breathing in a toxic gas until it is too late. It binds very easily to haemoglobin in the red blood cells, which is the substance that oxygen also binds to and this is the method by which most of the oxygen is delivered around the body. Because Carbon Monoxide binds to haemoglobin much more easily than oxygen does, it displaces the oxygen molecules which means that the body tissues do not receive any oxygen - leading to suffocation of the cells. A person who has been exposed to Carbon Monoxide will have a headache, nausea and vomiting. 


Whats inside a cigarete?